Do you want any logistics service, then call us: +86-371-86151827
Considering the large workload of allocation and transportion for our steel materials, we have built special shipping department, and make it independent form transportation department. The transportation department is in charge of transporting steel materials from our mill and warehouse to the port, and our shipping department is in charge of the shipping matters. So that our whole shipping efficiency is improved, and shorten time for customers to receive goods.
Our company produces ordinary carbon steel A588 Gr B atmospheric corrosion resistant structural steel with high strength and good plasticity and toughness. Due to the effect of alloy elements, its strength is 25% - 50% higher than that of ordinary carbon steel, its elongation is 15% - 23%, and its impact toughness at room temperature is higher than 60j / cm 2. We have a A588 Gr B atmospheric corrosion resistant structural steel production line specializing in the production of ordinary carbon steel plate, and strictly control its quality.
Accept the inquiry from the owner of the goods and the inquiry by sea: master the port and price from the port of shipment to all continents and routes, and the port and price that the owner often needs to serve; the shipping schedule information of the main shipping companies; when necessary, ask the owner of the inquiry for some category information, such as the name of the goods, the level of danger, etc. (water hazard code).
"Mirror" refers to the surface state of A588 Gr B atmospheric corrosion resistant structural steel stainless steel, which is usually 8K in the industry. The common mirror stainless steel on the market is divided into 6K, 8K and 10K, which are general polishing, 6K, 8K fine grinding and 10K super fine grinding effect. The same thickness generally has no big difference, 10K mirror is brighter; the thicker the thickness, the better the effect, and the higher the processing cost.
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