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Every customer who has visit us and witness the steel materials before delievry will be impressed by our quality control departemnt. Even not come to inspect the steel materials before delievry, our quality control departemnt will also send inspection report to the customer. For each order, no matter its quantity and value, our quality control departemnt will make strict inspection before delivery, the inspection contents include apperance, tolerance, dimension, mark, special requirements of customers, etc. To guarantee our steel materials sent to the customer is qualified.
EN10025-3 S460N high-strength steel has high strength, especially in normalizing or normalizing and tempering state. It has higher comprehensive mechanical properties. S460N plates are mainly used for large ships, bridges, power station equipment, medium and high pressure boilers, high pressure vessels, rolling stock, hoisting machinery, mining machinery and other large welded structural parts. S460N mechanical properties: tensile strength Rm500-680MPa, yield strength: 420-320MPa, elongation after fracture 18-19%.
"Our mill has three production lines:1).2500mm production line (Width: 1600-2300mm, S355J0W hot rolled steel structure Thickness: 6-30mm, Annual capacity: 1,600,000 Tons; 2).3500mm production line (Width: 2000-3050mm, Thickness: 10-80mm, Annual capacity: 2,000,000 Tons; 3).4300mm production line (Width: 1500-4100mm, Thickness: 6-300mm, Annual capacity: 1,800,000 Tons; The weight of each ingot can reach S355J0W hot rolled steel structure 44 tons, which is at the leading level in China. In addition, we have a 1700mm hot-rolled coil production line (width range: 900-1550mm, thickness range: 1.2-25.4mm, annual S355J0W hot rolled steel structure production capacity: 3.5 million tons."
Pressure vessel plate S355J0W hot rolled steel structure size: 6*2000*10000, 6*2200*10000, 6*2800*12000, 7*2200*8000, 8*2400*12000, 9*2300*6870, 10*2200*8000, 12*1600*10000, 12*2000*11850, 12*2050*5100, 12.5*2900*11000, 14*1950*10800, 16*2100*10650, 16*2150*10000, 16*2150*10250, 0*1750*9100, 70*2260*7240, 70*2260*7700, 75*2390*4320, 80*2200*10000, 80*2250*8850, and 88*3440*9200.
Booking space and making power of attorney (ten copies of order); the data of the original order shall be correct and consistent to the greatest extent when making the order, so as to reduce the frequent changes in the subsequent process. For booking with the company's seal for booking space, if the accessories for booking space (such as the price confirmation document of the shipping company) need to be provided, they can only be booked with all of them. Obtain the shipping space allocation receipt and extract the ship name, voyage number and B / L number information.
We are professional S355J0W hot rolled steel structure carbon steel plates supplier with good reputation, and have participated many significant projects that finished with carbon steel materials in the world. If you have any question about carbon steel materials, such as A36 steel modulus of elasticity, A283 grade C properties, A572 grade 50 hardness, S355J0W hot rolled steel structure EN 10025 S235JR equivalent Indian standard, S355JR specification, carbon steel price etc., please feel free to consult us.
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