S235J0W complete specification plate dimension

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S235J0W complete specification plate dimension

Every customer who has visit us and witness the steel materials before delievry will be impressed by our quality control departemnt. Even not come to inspect the steel materials before delievry, our quality control departemnt will also send inspection report to the customer. For each order, no matter its quantity and value, our quality control departemnt will make strict inspection before delivery, the inspection contents include apperance, tolerance, dimension, mark, special requirements of customers, etc. To guarantee our steel materials sent to the customer is qualified.

Our pipeline products adopt the national standard and the international standard API 5L, which can meet the needs of S235J0W complete specification pipelines working in different environments-on land in the open air and offshore deep water. Acid-resistant pipelines are produced for transporting highly acidic crude oil.

S235J0W complete specification 2020 stock in Shanghai: 25*1600*9300, 23.1*2590*7790, 25*1600*9300, 25*1600*9500, 14*1950*10800, 25*1600*9500, 20*1400*11400, 30*1600*8600, 30*2000*10200, 14*1950*10950, 25*1600*9300, 30*1600*8600, 9*2300*6870, 35*2500*9000, 9*2300*6870, 25*1600*9500, 9*2300*6870, 6*2000*10000, 20*1640*11250, 70*2270*7900, 6*2000*10000, 30*1600*8600.

Converter steelmaking: The furnace body of the converter can be rotated, and the steel plate is used as the outer shell, and the refractory is used as the inner lining. Converter S235J0W complete specification steelmaking does not require additional heating, because the molten iron is inherently high temperature, and it still continues to generate thermal oxidation reactions (from silicon, carbon and oxygen in molten iron).Because no more fuel is needed for heating, energy consumption is reduced.

After sales service support personnel pay attention to commitment in their work. In the process of people to people communication, mutual trust is an important factor for the long-term and stable communication. After sales service personnel must do what they say in the process of communication with customers.

We provide customers with demand support and better serve them. We are committed to actively meet the needs of customers, always keep in touch with them in a timely manner, leave a good impression for customers, and make customers satisfied through our unremitting efforts. Customer satisfaction is our most basic vision, striving to become the best steel product service provider in the world

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