Do you want any logistics service, then call us: +86-371-86151827
Every customer who has visit us and witness the steel materials before delievry will be impressed by our quality control departemnt. Even not come to inspect the steel materials before delievry, our quality control departemnt will also send inspection report to the customer. For each order, no matter its quantity and value, our quality control departemnt will make strict inspection before delivery, the inspection contents include apperance, tolerance, dimension, mark, special requirements of customers, etc. To guarantee our steel materials sent to the customer is qualified.
"Turkey has filed a lawsuit against EU steel import tariffs with the world trade organization, the trade ministry said Friday. In February 2019, the European Union said that the sharp increase of Turkish steel imports A588 GrC section spot seriously threatened the steel producers in member countries. The European Union has set import quotas for 26 kinds of steel products and imposed a 25% tariff on future steel products for three years. Turkey's trade ministry said that as one of the main A588 GrC section spot steel exporting countries to the EU, Turkey's export has been adversely affected by its measures and has started proceedings in the WTO."
Q345R steel plate is a special pressure vessel steel with a yield strength of 340 Mpa. A588 GrC section spot, Q345R pressure vessel steel has good comprehensive mechanical and technological properties. The content of phosphorus and sulfur of Q345R pressure vessel steel is slightly lower than that of Q345 (16Mn) steel, and the tensile strength and elongation requirements of Q345R pressure vessel steel are higher than those of Q345 (16Mn) steel, and the impact toughness of Q345R pressure vessel steel is also required. Q345R pressure vessel steel is the most widely used Chinese pressure vessel steel.
Steel transportation because of the special material of A588 GrC section spot steel, is a metal with "iron" as the main basic element, small volume and large weight, and easy to oxidize and rust when contacting with air and rain water, so there are many precautions in the transportation of steel. There are 11 proverbs for steel transportation: "evenly placed, moisture-proof and rust proof". Our company chooses the logistics aspect to be very rigorous, takes the customer's request as the standard, guarantees the steel product quality.
Three advantages of semi-endless rolling technology: 1. The limit specification of Q345B steel is expanded from 1.5 mm × 1300 mm to 1.5 mm × 1600 mm. 2. the semi-endless rolling technology can effectively reduce the fluctuations in the temperature, size, and shape control accuracy of the strip head and tail. 3. The different parts of the strip steel A588 GrC section spot produced by semi-endless rolling have uniform structure and mechanical properties, the yield strength fluctuation is less than 40 MPa, and the tensile strength fluctuation is less than 20 MPa.
To provide customers with the most satisfactory service and realize the win-win of economic and social benefits, our company promises to provide excellent A588 GrC section spot products in this bidding, and in line with the attitude of being serious and responsible to customers, before sending goods to users, the A588 GrC section spot technical personnel shall confirm that there is no fault in the equipment before sending goods to users, and then send goods and products to users, and formulate the following service terms.
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